There is almost always a psychological element to erectile dysfunction. Any psychological component related to ED can intensify the physical erectile causes of this problem.
The fact that ED sometimes is a result of both physical and psychological issues can complicate treating this type of male sexual problem. However, to know and understand this condition could also make it easier to treat.
Psychological ED Issues
Some psychological issues regarding erectile dysfunction are related to lifestyle choices. For instance, excessive smoking, stress, depression, and excess alcohol intake sometimes work hand in hand. These are very common erectile dysfunction causes.
Other psychological ED issues may have been influenced by the way you eat as well. For instance, if you eat unhealthy foods such as excess cakes, cookies, and candies the problem could worsen.
Often mental illnesses invoke quite a bit of depression and anxiety as well. This is part of what causes a man not to be able to perform. It is this depression and anxiety and perhaps self-esteem issues (i.e. hopeless or worthless feelings) that can cause a man to not be able to perform like he used to.
Physical ED Issues
Atherosclerosis that interrupts blood flow to your heart and penis is one leading cause of coronary artery disease. Having erectile dysfunction could be seen as nature’s way of giving you an early warning sign of potentially life threatening heart conditions.
Numerous illnesses or diseases such as diabetes, cancer, or terminal sickness can also lead to poor sexual functioning. How ever a man feels physically may affect him in varying degrees.
For instance, perhaps a man is never able to function sexually. However, other times he may at least be able to function occasionally. Every man is unique and that is why so many different types of treatment are available today-to help accommodate each situation.
Another issue of course surrounding physical symptoms would be age. As a man gets older, his testosterone level decreases. This is part of what can cause erectile dysfunction.
Some Insight
According to some doctors and, if a person quits (or even reduces) smoking and controls diabetes, he has reduced or controlled causes of erectile dysfunction by 80%. This is good news for older people, since they are often more naturally prone to diabetes.
This is also good news for people who are struggling with high blood pressure, and it also is good news for people with heart problems. This is in fact good news for anyone who has a disorder that leads to reduction of blood flow into the penis.
Managing all physical symptoms as well as vital sings can actually enable a person to reduce erectile dysfunction. It can even prevent the condition from affecting his sexual or marital life.
As far as ability to become treated, it depends. One issue right now may be the ability of a person to get an erection at all-or perhaps lack thereof.
There is one other thing you should know about erectile dysfunction. It can actually be somewhat of a blessing in disguise.
Not to alarm you unnecessarily, but it can save your life if you are checked out after you realize you have ED. Erectile dysfunction causes can be discussed with your doctor, but ultimately this can be nature’s way of warning sign of a potentially life threatening heart condition.