Age Force is an increasingly popular brand that provides people with the highest quality Human growth Hormone products on the market today.This company brings years of experience in developing different sprays into their newest series of products.The most recent, the Continuous Sequence HGH Oral Spray , is an orally absorbed homeopathic remedy.The oral sprays are not to be confused with the nasal sprays that Age Force has developed over the years.
HGH sprays are considered as dietary supplements under FDA qualifications and are therefore available at participating in-store retail locations and online marketplaces. You do not need a physician-ordered prescription in order to purchase the spray. These products are all prepared in the States, ensuring that Age Force products are all subject to rigorous inspection and quality control checks. While the supplements are exempt from FDA screenings, they are developed alongside FDA-certified laboratories, ensuring that the Aging Force products are a cut above non-industry-controlled laboratories around the world.
Age Force Continuous Sequence HGH Oral Spray:Ingredients
Active ingredients include: Zinc Met, Human Growth Hormone, Growth Hormone Releasing Agent, Spirulina, Cervi Cormu, L-Arginine (In varying strengths,) GABA, Chlorella (in varying strengths,) Albumin, L-Lysine (in varying strengths,) and B complex vitamins.
Effectiveness and Safety
Age Force Continuous Sequence HGH oral Spray is meant for both long term and short terms use and, as a homeopathic formula, is guaranteed to be totally safe for most who would like to try it. It is not, however, recommended for pregnant or lactating mothers, or by anyone under the age of 18 without prior physician consultation and parental supervision
Detailed studies have been conducted to prove the efficacy of the Age Force supplements. Among these findings were improved sleep depth and effectiveness and an increase in a general sense of well-being. It is highly recommended that a person couples the use of the supplement with a well-balanced diet and regular exercise.
A General Note: Age Force and the Responsible Use of the Human Growth Hormone
The use of Human Growth Hormone has sometimes come under great scrutiny in the media. Namely, the use of HGH as a “performance enhancing drug” has been given such scrutiny insofar as it has sometimes been abused in professional sports. We at Aging Force are committed to the proper and safe usage of any and all health and wellness supplements and would like to stress: these supplements are never to be abused in any way, shape, or form.
How to Properly Use Age Force HGH Oral Spray
- Four sprays, thrice daily, is the recommended dose. One can increase the dose frequency after one has acclimated oneself to its use.While frequency of the dose is permitted, it is not advised to increased the specific dosage.
- Do not swallow the spray right away. Instead, allow the spray’s contents to rest in your mouth for about two minutues. This will increase both the efficacy and the speed of the supplement’s absorption into one’s body.