Fruits & Vegetables
Originally a native to Southern China, the orange has now become a favourite fruit all over the world. Its popularity is due to its sourly sweet taste, juiciness, and coolness.
Benefits, Qualities and Uses of oranges

The Ayurveda also has recognised the value of the orange. It works as an appetizer. It cleanses the blood, soothes bile and eliminates windiness. It is cool and refreshing. It cleanses the mouth. It is regimen even in fever. It destroys intestinal worms and allays abdominal pain. It strengthens the bones.
The orange is a rich source of vitamin C. The daily requirement of vitamin C is fulfilled by taking 125 to 150 ml of orange-juice. The vitamin C content of the orange is not easily destroyed because it is protected by the citric acid. Besides, vitamin C in the orange is blended with calcium, thereby increasing the qualities of each other. The white membrane, which surrounds the sections of the orange, is an excellent source of calcium.
As orange-juice contains less acid than lemon-juice, it is regarded as superior to the latter. Though the citric acid contained in the orange is somewhat acidic to the taste, it is an alkali-forming food. After being metabolised in the tissues it leaves an alkaline residue and. thus improves the vital resistance of the body.
The orange is usually taken by masticating it or . taken in its juice-form. When there is need for obtaining a large quantity of nutrients, orange-juice is preferred. Those who suffer from cold should add some warm water to orange juice before taking it.
To overcome constipation, it is sufficient to take one or two oranges before going to bed and again on rising in the early morning. Oranges are useful in asthma and other bronchial troubles.
During fever, orange-juice greatly helps in supplying necessary nutrition to the patient. It improves digestion and increases appetite. Orange-juice renders the intestinal tract uninhabitable for the hostile microbes and improves the intestinal health. It increases vitality.
Orange-juice gives relief to pregnant women who suffer from nausea vomiting.
A cup of orange-juice provides as many calories as three-quarters of milk-cup. In chronic dyspepsia, food is not well digested. It causes putrefaction in the digestive tract which produces gas. Orange-juice helps in eliminating this putrefaction of food in the stomach. It cleanses the tracts of the stomach and the 'intestines and thus increases the digestive power of both the digestive organs.