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Unlocking the Mysteries of the Goji Fruit

Goji Fruit is a boon in itself. Some of the possible benefits of a daily regimen of Goji Fruit are increased energy levels, longer life, helping in weight loss, better digestion, less risk of cataracts and clam and relaxing sleep. If you are among those people, you haven't heard of Goji Fruit, and then it can alone impact your life.
Although West nearly remain unaware of its benefits, the benefits of the Goji Fruit are not a mystery in China. In fact, people of South East Asia knew about it for several centuries. So what is Goji Fruit and what are its wonderful benefits?
What is a Goji Fruit?

The Goji Fruit is obtained from the goji plant which flourishes in Asia, specifically the western part of China, Tibet and Mongolia. The best quality of Goji Fruit is found in the heights of the Himalayas where it thrives in very low temperature.
Goji is a small red fruit that grows on the goji shrub. The fruit can be ingested in several ways - it can be eaten directly, dried or can be squeezed into a edible juice. Other names of the family of Goji Fruit include wolfberry or boxthorn.
Its Benefits

The Goji Fruit is known for its ability of enhancing health resistant power of human being in several ways. Some of these benefits include its anti-aging abilities, providing an increase in energy level, help in weight loss, aid in the digestive processes and aid in the prevention of macular degeneration.
The scientific name of the goji plant is lyceum barbarum. These elements have shown promising results as antioxidants. These antioxidants aid in deterring the growth of leukemia and cancer cells of the liver as well as providing protection from it. Additionally, lyceum has been shown to be effective in combating fatigue within the body.
Another vital ingredient in the goji berry is carotenoids. The body easily translates this substance into Vitamin A necessary for eyes, thus equates to the fighting of macular degeneration and cataracts.
Practical Proof
Over 60 health studies have been conducted so far on the benefits of the Goji Fruit. The studies show positive and strong results indicating various health benefits to those whose daily diet consists of Goji Fruit. But, probably more powerful proof is the effects demonstrated in the lives of the Asian lives.