Health & Nutrition
- iForce Nutrition HEMAVOL
- Birth Control Pills
- Diet Pills
- Fast Weight Loss
- Healthy Weight Loss
- Natural Antibiotics
- Natural Antidepressants
- Nutrition and Aging
- Increase Stamina
- Balanced Diet Tips
- Boost Immune System
- Easy Weight Loss
- Fighting Cocaine
- Food and Vitamins
- Digestive System
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- Special Women Needs
- Special Men Needs
- Vitamins for Children
- Weight Loss Programs
- Raw Glandular Therapy
- Fast Food Nutrition
- Weight Loss
- Weight Loss Drug
- Naturally Lose Weight
- Weight Lose Patch
- Weight Loss Surgery
- Teen Nutrition Trends
Special Needs of Women
Women require fewer calories than men, but they need almost as much proteins and more iron during their childbearing years. Women tend to impose many calorie restrictions on themselves which can result in a diet deficient in a number of nutrients.
If women lack sufficient cholesterol they can develop irregular hormonal cycles, loss of fertility, an early menopause and osteoporosis. Poor nutrition can also affect the success of pregnancy and women should eat well for several months before planning to become pregnant.
Following vitamins and minerals are helpful
Calcium, Iron and Zinc are lost in the normal menstrual cycle.
Calcium and Magnesium can help to reduce period pains, and together with Vitamins K and D, Boron, Zinc, Copper and Manganese build strong bones.
Vitamin C and the B-Vitamins are needed in at least the recommended amounts to maintain health.
Note: If you take birth-control pills, vitamins C, E, K and the B-vitamins, especially B6 and Folic Acid, Beta-carotene, Zinc and Selenium all help to counterbalance changes caused by the birth control pill.