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Fennel Plant Information - Fennel Uses - Fennel Tea and Fennel Recipes
![]() Fennel Herb Picture |
Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare Fennel is a yellowish-green, perennial herb, originally native to the Mediterranean countries, and now widely grown in Europe and North America. Fennel is a beautiful plant which grows 4 to 5 feet in height. |
The beautiful bright golden flowers of fennel are an attraction for the bees. Fennel oil, extracted from the crushed seeds, possesses a sweet taste, and is aromatic, carminative and antispasmodic.
Fennel Uses & Benefits
Digestive Problems
Fennel has been found to stimulate appetite, and to aid digestion. An infusion prepared by boiling a tablespoon of fennel seeds in 100 ml of water for half an hour, is highly beneficial in indigestion, biliousness, flatulence and constipation.
Fennel Tea for curing Colic
Fennel is one of the safest herb for colic, which helps the baby to release gas and relieve tummy. A teaspoon of the fennel is boiled in a cup of water, and allowed to steep in the water for about 20 minutes. This is strained and allowed to cool. This tea, given to the baby in his feed bottle, helps cure colic.
Fennel is also believed to be beneficial for kidney stones, menopausal problems, nausea, obesity and increasing milk yield during breast feeding. A compression made from an infusion of Fennel tea and placed on the eyelids is reputed to soothe inflamed lids and improve sight.
Fennel Recipes
Grilled Herrings with Fennel Stuffing
Ingredients: (Serves 4)
- 2 tablespoons chopped fennel
- 4 herrings (boned)
- 1/2 tablespoon chopped parsley
- 1 oz. (30 grams) butter
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- Pinch of salt
Wipe the fish well and cut three slits slantwise across each side of the fish. Mix together fennel, parsley and salt and push the mixture into the cuts and into the cavity of the fish.
Melt butter and lemon juice in a grill pan. Put the fish in the pan, turning each over immediately, so that they are coated with the butter mixture. Put under a very hot grill for 4-5 minutes each side, basting with the butter and lemon juice mixture.
Cream of Fish and Fennel Soup
Ingredients: (Serves 6)
- 2 tablespoons chopped fennel
- 1lb. (1/2 kilo) coley, or haddock, bones and skin included
- 1lb. (1/2 kilo) peeled and cleaned vegetables such as carrot, leek, onion and celery
- 1.5 litres water
- 1 clove garlic
- Salt and pepper
- 1 bouquet garni sachet
- 2 ozs. (60 grams) butter
- A pinch curry powder
- A pinch paprika
- 2 ozs. (60 grams) plain flour
- 2 level teaspoons tomato puree
- 6 dessertspoons single cream
Cut the fish into chunks and put into a large pan with the water; bring to the boil and skim well.
Chop the vegetables and fennel fairly finely to extract the maximum flavour; then add them to the fish. Peel the skin off the clove of garlic: slice the garlic, sprinkle it with salt, and crush to a cream under the blade of a knife; add to the soup. Season the soup with salt, pepper and the bouquet garni. Simmer gently for an hour, then strain the soup and rinse the pan.
Melt the butter and stir in the curry powder and paprika. Take the pan off the heat and stir in the flour. Whisk the soup into the mixture and stir it over a gentle heat until it comes to the boil. Add the tomato puree. Just before serving, stir a spoonful of cream into each portion.