HGH Supplements/ HGH Products
HGH Supplements are sold in various forms. It is not only HGH pills that are available on the market; there are various other forms of introducing HGH into the body too. However, HGH Pills are the most popular form and hence have been popularized so much by advertisers and that’s why you just hear about HGH pills (like sytropin, genf20) every where you go and not about other forms of HGH.
There are mainly 3 types of HGH Supplements available on the market, they’re listed below:
HGH Injections
HGH Spray
Homeopathic HGH
HGH Injection:
Most major pharmaceutical companies make human growth hormone for hgh injections. But it was originally developed for children with growing disorders that involved a lack of the hormone, because their pituitary gland wasn't manufacturing as much as was required. And it still is the primary reason for it's existence and use.
Then doctors started studying the effects on health and aging. The research was generally very impressive.
In the past, hgh injections were the only way you could absorb human growth hormone. And it was VERY expensive. It can still cost between 4 or 5 hundred to thousands a month, depending on where you buy it, and if you have a clinic administer it and monitor your results.
HGH Spray:
An ever growing popular way of supplementing hgh at lower levels (more natural levels), is either through precursor supplements, or oral sprays that may or may not be based on real synthesized human growth hormone, or a molecularly modified form of HGH.
A great deal of confusion exists here.
MOST SPRAYS/pills/powders, do NOT even contain any form of hgh - or molecularly modified variations. But some do.
Homeopathic Supplements:
Finally, there are the "homeopathic" forms. We are still looking into these, but again, they lack solid unbiased research, and experts in the field I've discussed it with say it absolutely cannot be done because of the way homeopathy allegedly works - by giving you very minute dilutions of the "hair of the dog that bit you". So I don't recommend these at this time.