HGH For Weight Loss
HGH is a naturally occurring substance in the human body that is excreted by the pituitary glands in the brain. As a person ages, the level of HGH that their body produces decreases. However, human growth hormone drugs work to raise a person's levels of HGH back to a youth-like level, therefore aiding in weight loss.
Human growth hormone works by increasing the amount of IGF-1 that a person's liver excretes. IGF-1 prevents insulin from transporting glucose to cells. Normally, after you eat, your pancreas releases the amount of insulin necessary to transform carbohydrates into glucose. Your body then stores this glucose in fat cells and uses it for energy. HGH induced IGF-1 prevents insulin from storing this glucose in cells, therefore forcing your body to burn fat for energy.
Normally, a person's body uses all of their glucose taken in for energy production before seeking that energy from their fat reserves. Human growth hormone forces your body to seek energy from the fat reserves first. This results in significant weight loss and cut down of fat.
Because human growth hormone forces your body to burn fat for energy, it means that you will lose weight even in your inactive periods. Energy is required for all aspects of living. Therefore, HGH can force your body to burn fat while you are sleeping. Additionally, it allows you to eat large amounts of food without gaining excess unwanted weight. HGH replaces the need to diet.
Another beneficial effect of HGH is its ability to force your body to grow new muscle cells. Normally, a person stops growing muscle cells after puberty. They then have to do weight training in order to increase the size of these muscle cells. However, the number of muscle cells never grows.
Human growth hormone helps to increase the number of muscle cells a person has. This means that they have to do significantly less weight training in order to develop muscle density. HGH, in addition to helping you lose weight, can help you increase muscle density and develop definition. It will help you get the body you want in the areas of weight and muscle definition.>
Another beneficial effect of human growth hormone is heightened energy levels and metabolism. Naturally produced HGH is responsible for these effects in children, and, by using human growth hormone drugs as an adult, you can feel the same energy as you did in your youth. An increased metabolism means increased fat loss. In fact, HGH can cause weight loss even without exercise.
Human growth hormone increases strength, promotes healthy weight gain, and promotes fat loss. The side effects of using HGH as a weight loss drug are minimal and rare.