Acai Berry
How to use Acai Berry Juice?
I am sure that you have already heard about acai berries and their high nutritional value. It is this little purple berry which is a natural storehouse of vitamins, minerals, salts, omega acids, phyto nutrients, antioxidants and much more. The list is never ending. However the sad news is that this fruit doesnot grow in all seasons and therefore consumption is maximum during the season of fruitage. But we need the nutrients the entire year round. The human system has not been made such that if it consumes leads of nutrients in one season then for the next season it would not need the same. Therefore people have come up with the idea of shipping the acai berry in a frozen pulp form and in juice form. The juice of the berry is squished out, packed and then shipped around the world.

This juice then is the most available form of the fruit that is so nutritious for our bodies. You might feel how you can use this juice because it is not the fruit and so cannot be eaten by it self. The acai berry juice tastes like chocolate mixed with berry and so can easily be used with fruit preparations, with desserts that are fruit made, al types of salad and also for dressing variety of salads. You can also think about using the juice as a sauce to complement various types of fruit based food.
The juice is a great addition to drinks like a milk shake or a fruit juice sorbet and can also be used to prepare fruit flavored ice lollies. Further, if you would like to use it in the meat you eat then you can use it with pork or chicken since these two meats go well with fruit flavors. It would be advisable that you use the juice as marinade, for the flavor, rather than using it as sauce. Also addition of the juice to ham in the form of a light gauze is also an idea that you can try. But if you find nothing that suits you with the juice then you can just add the sauce to the plain water you drink and have a highly nutritious, pleasantly flavored, sugar less drink. Also you can try mixing with any mixed fruit drink that you have, ice creams etc can also be flavored with the acai berry juice.
Those that want their coffee with a flavor can try mixing the juice with their coffee before having it. This will serve two purposes at the same time, you can have your coffee the way you like it as well as will be getting a dose of nutrition that is double your regular flavored coffee. Thus the great nutritional value of the small but potent berry can be put to use as a taste enhancer and a flavoring sauce for the various dishes you enjoy. Trust me acai berry will do you all the good along with giving you the pleasure of a chocolaty-berry taste.