Acai Berry
Side Effects of Acai Berries, Present or Not

Side effects are a part of our daily lives because of the way our digestive system is. It is not the same for everyone and what any one person can tolerate eating cannot be tolerated by any other. As such not everything we eat is without side effects and therefore it can be safely said of acai berries that they create side effects in some while not in others.
We all know that the Amazon rain forest is a natural treasure house that is filled with many trees and plants that we donot even know of. However example can be given of many others that we know of but are really not aware of their medicinal or consuming properties. The acai is one such plant which grows freely in this huge expanse of natural vegetation but about whose fruits we have been hearing of since recently. This berry grows in such profusion and is deemed so high in nutrition by the people living in South America that it forms a huge fifty percent of their normal diet. Tests have proved that the fruit is very high in nutrition and is devoid of many toxic materials that are usually found in the bodies of human beings living in the western countries.
The good thing about the berry is that it is one berry that contains more than 250 anti-oxidants that are useful in fighting cancer and various other harmful diseases. Apart from this, the berry is also rich in vitamins A, B and c along with having high levels of Ca and Fe in it. Other than these few, the fruit is also heavily laden with various other minerals and acids that benefit the body very much.
So the berry is highly nutritious and all that but what about side effects? No doubt acai berry is good for health but if it creates side effects like heart burn and gas then its consumption would become near to impossible by humans. But this argument has been put to rest since it has been found out that the berry actually produces no side effect that will have a serious reflection on your heart or liver or kidney or any other major body organ. In fact it will only have one side effect and that is a decrease in the wish to eat. So there is only this appetite problem that can arise out of acacia berry consumption. But other than that it is very healthy a fruit.
Now if you think it is bad and scary then think twice. If the fruit reduces your appetite then you eat limited and lose weight. Also the fruit will, along side, help to cleanse your body by its high fibers and provide much more nutrition than any of your regular junk food. Plus you will not also have to follow a stupid diet schedule. So overall the fruit is a master blaster and so get into the habit of eating acacia berries to gain nutrition and still stay slim and healthy.