Acai Berry
The Power of Acai Berry
Have you ever wondered what is it that serves to make ageless divas out of Madonna and Beyonce but forces you to incur the wrath of Time? Well the answer may not be so elusive after all! Dermatologists around the world now believe that it may be due a component called antioxidants, whose inclusion in the daily diet greatly reduces the ageing process and delays the sagging of the skin. And where does one find this magic panacea? Well somewhere, where life still takes baby steps in the lap of Mother Nature……in the vast equatorial rainforests of the Amazonian regions of Brazil, Guyana and Surinam.

Regionally known as the Acai palm, this tall lissome tree produces beady fruits, which display the roundness of the grape and the size of a large blueberry. The tasters of this amazing discovery claim, it has a very distinct, singular taste which is almost a mélange between a wild raspberry and a grape. It is highly coveted by the Brazilian natives for its ability to provide instant strength and energy upon consumption.
And this is for the die hard devotee of Mediterranean cuisines, who can’t stop raving about the health benefits of a continental diet…the acai berries possess a high concentration of fatty acids and omega 3, 6, 9 oils- the same as that of the olive oil, which is one of the main ingredients of Mediterranean culinary delights!
And what is it that transforms these simple fruits into potential gladiators against the dreaded beast named WRINKLES? Researches suggest that it may be due to the presence of a chemical in the acai berry, called Phytosterols- generally extracted from plant cell membranes and which greatly reduces blood plasma cholesterol- that does the trick. There are also the Anthocyanins, members of a chemical group called Flavonoids, to assist. Anthocyanins yield the highest percentage of antioxidants, among all the edible berries known to man. It neutralizes free radicals and prevents the oxidation of cells and serves as an effective anti dotes against arteriosclerosis, a chronic ailment of the human blood vessels.
So you may not be doing rock concerts, or composing music videos, but then, should they be your only excuses for looking scintillatingly gorgeous and having soft supple unwrinkled skin? Start taking your fill of acai fruits today and who knows you might give Madonna a run for her money.